Two days ago we finally got confirmed what has been discussed in the Clash of Clans community for months, if not years – Town Hall 11 is coming. Next to the TH11 announcement we got the new, not named yet, Defense and also a new Elixir Hero. Now everyone is, next to discussing what Hero this will be, asking when the update will arrive and those of us having a progressed TH10 can finally upgrade to the new Town Hall Level.
Town Hall 11 In Mid Of November
Despite the fact that this is no normal Update, Supercell released Sneak Peeks with the new key features for an Update and normally in the following week after 4-7 Sneak Peeks the Update arrives. We can actually expect more than those 3 Sneak Peeks and probably see also new things for lower Town Hall levels, otherwise this would only be an Update for 5% of all Clash of Clans player. No in the official forum there was the first real information about the timeline for the Town Hall 11 Update:
Here we can clearly see that the Sneak Peeks with all other new features are not getting announced this week – otherwise Supercell would have the Update deployed next week. If we really count the words we could also understand it that Sneak Peeks are starting this week, but there are so many of them that they will give us 2 weeks of Sneak Peeks, but I don’t think so.
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More News on TH11 Update Date
TH11 Update at the end of Halloween 2015 Event
The most likely version I see happening is, that Supercell will time the Town Hall 11 Update when the Halloween 2015 Event will end – that normally happens in the middle of November with an optional Update. I’m really guessing now, but I see it happen on 11th or 12th November.
I can also be wrong and Supercell makes a real big show in the next 2 weeks that will also make the Clan War launch look like a boring week. The Youtubers are uncommonly calm these days so I assume they have some big things in the pipe for the next couple of days :)